Roul-roul Partridge (Rollulus roulroul)

The Roul-roul Partridge is also known as the Crested Wood Partridge, Green Wood Partridge or Red-crowned Wood Partridge. They are native to the tropical rain forests of Burma and Thailand, south to Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra and despite not often kept in captivity, they are charming aviary birds. The Roul-roul Partridge is the sole member of the Genus Rollulus and has no known subspecies.

Unlike the Rock Partridges, Genus Alectoris, the sexes are different. The male, seen in the front in the photograph, has a large red crest, red orbital skin, overall glossy bluish-purple body and red feet and bill. The hen is much drabber in comparison. She lacks the bright crest, has an overall greenish color with chestnut-brown wings, black bill and red feet.


If kept in an indoor, tropical environment, Roul-roul may lay at anytime during the year. The males seem to do most of the nest building, using pine needles, branches or straw to create a tunnel like nest. Clutches range from about 4 to 6 eggs. Incubation is done by the female and lasts 18 to 22 days.

In captivity, the chicks of this species may have problems learning to eat. Provide mealworms and place a few small size chicks such as button quail in the brooder to help “teach” the little partridge to eat.

General Comments

Roul-roul are not often kept and bred in aviaries and remain somewhat expensive. They are not recommended for the beginning breeder and are still a challenge for even experienced breeders. They are prone to develop many poultry diseases, and need to be kept away from ground where other game birds have been kept. They also do not seem to do well on wire, often developing foot and leg problems. It is recommended that they are kept in pairs in aviaries with sand bottoms and well planted.

Roul-roul are not very winter hardy and need heated quarters during extremely cold weather.