Disease of the costal zones (bordering to the rivers)
CAUSAL AGENT: A esporozoario of kind PLASMODIUM
EPIZOOTIOLOGIA: There are three factors that condition the maintenance and development of the malaria:
- carrying or sick Birds.
- transmitting Mosquitos (culex, haedes, anopheles).
- the temperature, rains and the flora of region (essential elements for the reproduction of the mosquito)
SYMPTOMS: - Apathy
- Fever it raises and low)
- Anemia (of there the eye and the white mucous)
- general Weakness
- Death in the youngsters.
After this acute phase, where the symptoms are evident, the plasmodiosis enters a period of diminution of their clinical manifestations and parasitemia to endoglobular arriving at a stage of normality between the 30 – 40 days of begun the symptoms.
DIAGNOSE: Examination of the blood (method of Giemsa).
TREATMENT: Plasmodicidas used in the human malaria:
For ex.: the cloroquina or ARALEN MR (2 mg by kg of weight that is 1 mg. by pigeon. 3 doses day by average.
PROPHYLAXIS: Avoid the mosquito:

-Metalic net
-Fuyi Vape

IMUNIDADE The cured animals develop certain degree of immunity


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