Hungarian Partridge (Perdix perdix)

Fast Facts

Other Names: Gray Partridge, Hun, English Partridge, Bohemian Partridge, European Partridge.

Range: Great Britain, Northern Spain, France and Italy east through Europe into Turkey, Russia and western Siberia. Introduced throughout the world and well established in the United States.

Subspecies: There are seven subspecies according to Robbins. P. p. perdix, P. p. hispaniensis, P. p. armoricana, P. p. sphagnetorum, P. p. lucida, P. p. canescens and P. p. robusta.

Habitat: Prefers open areas, farmlands and brush.

Description: The face and throat is rusty-orange. The breast is finely vermiculated gray with a dark-chestnut horseshoe marking on the upper abdomen; the belly is white and to light buff. The upper back is vermiculated brown, gray and white; the wings are mottled with dark brown. The tail is chestnut.

Description, Female: The hen is similar to the male. The horeshoe marking on the breast maybe absent, smaller or lighter than in the male.

Status in Wild: Common in both the original range and in the US.

Status in Aviculture: Very common and often kept by small breeders and large scale game farms.

Breeding Season: Begins in late April and may last into September.

Breeding Age: First year.

Clutch Size: 15, hens will lay several clutches per season.

Incubation Period: 24 days.

Misc. Aviculture Notes: While they will get along in groups during the winter months, birds must be paired up by early March or fighting will begin. Can be kept on the ground or on wire. Pen sizes should be at least six feet long by two feet wide. If on wire, a portion of the cage should have a solid bottom with sand or straw for the hen to nest in. They are hardy birds and able to withstand temperature extremes.