
This is an uncommon disease of pigs in most parts of the world. Care however should always be taken in handling diseased pigs or carcasses because anthrax is communicable to people. Effective vaccines are available in some countries for both pigs and people.


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  • Acute illness.
  • Bloody faeces.
  • Haemorrhage from the nose.
  • Fever.
  • Respiratory distress.
  • Sudden death.
  • Swollen discoloured neck.
  • Blue skin.
  • Unusual in piglets

Causes / Contributing factors

  • Contaminated feed or water.


Anthrax should be suspected if a sow is found dead and post-mortem examination shows copious blood tinged tissue fluid and large red lymph nodes under the skin of the neck and in the abdomen. The post-mortem examination should be discontinued immediately and veterinary help sought.


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