Internal Parasites

There are three broad types of internal parasite that can cause significant health issues in sheep: worms, flukes, and protozoa.

Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium sp.)
Cryptosporidium species are tiny protozoan parasites closely related to coccidia. One major species, Cryptosporidium parvum, infects both farm animals and humans. C. parvum has a rapid, direct life cycle and infection occurs when viable oocysts in the environment are ingested by susceptible hosts, usually lambs under a month old.

Lambs as young as 3 days can be affected. Lambs are depressed and reluctant to suck while the diarrhea lasts. Very young lambs soon become dehydrated and die. In poor weather conditions, lambs may die of hypothermia. The illness may last for up to 10 days, and relapses after apparent recovery are common.

Coccidiosis (Eimeria sp.)
Coccidia are single-cell protozoa that are naturally in the sheep’s digestive system. Young lambs are particularly susceptible to coccidia especially during periods of stress (e.g. weaning). Coccidia damage the lining of the small intestine, affecting absorption of nutrients. The most common symptom of coccidiosis is diarrhea. The diarrhea may be bloody or smeared with mucous.

The diagnosis of coccidiosis cannot be confirmed by identification of oocysts in fecal samples. Coccidosis is mostly a management-related disease, caused by overstocking and poor hygiene. Coccidiosis can be prevented by including Lasolocid (Bovatec®), Monensin (Rumensin®), or Decoquinate (Deccox®) in the feed or mineral. Coccidiosis should be treated with Amprolium or sulfa medications.

Stomach worms
(Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, and Ostertagia sp.)

The internal parasites of greatest concern in sheep are usually the stomach worms, with the barber pole worm (Haemonchus Contortus) being of primary concern and the small brown stomach worm being of secondary concern. The barber pole worm is a blood-sucking parasite that pierces the mucosa of the abomasum, causing blood and protein loss.

The primary symptom of barber pole infection is anemia (blood loss). Anemia can be observed in the sheep by examining its lower eyelid, which will become paler (whiter) with increasing infestation. An accumulation of fluid under the jaw, called “bottle jaw” is also a tell-tale of barber pole infection.

The small brown stomach worm also burrows into the lining of the abomasum, but it causes typical digestive symptoms, especially diarrhea. Microscopically, it is difficult to differentiate between the barber pole worm and the brown stomach worm. The eggs only differ in size not appearance.

Nematodirus spp.
The life cycle and transmission of Nematodirus differs from that of other sheep worms. Infective N. battus larvae generally don’t survive for long on pasture when weather conditions are warm and dry, but can survive for several months during cool and damp weather. The symptoms of nematodirus are scours, weight loss, and sudden death.

Tapeworms (Moniezia sp.)
There is disagreement as to whether tapeworms cause serious problems in sheep. They are generally considered to be non-pathogenic, though they can cause weight loss, diarrhea, and even death in extreme cases. The only anthelmintics that are effective against tapeworms are the benzamidizoles (fenbendazole and albendazole). Most research shows no benefit to treating lambs for tapeworms. Tapeworms are the only parasite that is visible in the feces.
Tapeworms: problem or not?

Tapeworms often cause more worry among sheep and goat producers than stomach worms (nematodes), because producers can see the obviously expelled worms, whereas they cannot see stomach worms, only their symptoms.

Tapeworms are flat, ribbon-shaped worms that live inside the intestines of humans or animals that have a spine. They are long, segmented worms of the class Cestoda, which comprise one of three classes of parasitic worms. The other classes are Nematoda (roundworms) and Trematoda (flukes). Cestodes lack an intestinal tract, but are able to absorb nutrients through their skin.

Adult tapeworms have hooks, spiny structures, or suckers on their head, which allow them to attach to the wall of the intestine. The rest of the tapeworm is made up of a chain of flat segments. The adult tapeworm consists of a head (scolex), where the worms attaches itself to the mucosa of the intestine; a neck; and a segmented body that contains both male gonads and female gonads (proglottids). Mature tapeworms shed segments, which are expelled with the feces. These segments are packed with eggs.

Cestodes (tapeworms) require an intermediate host to complete their life cycle. Different tapeworms require different intermediate hosts. All of the important species affecting sheep, goats, and cattle require pasture mites. These mites ingest the eggs while feeding and the larval stages of the worm develop inside the mites.

Oribatid mites live in the top layer of soil. Sometimes they can be found in plant material. These mites live in huge numbers. Hundreds of thousands can live in one square meter of soil. To see one well, you would need a microscope. Sheep and goats become infected when they ingest the mites containing tapeworm larvae. Once inside the animal, it takes 6 to 7 weeks for the larvae to develop into adult tapeworms.

Moniezia expansa is the tapeworm that commonly affects sheep and goats. Moniezia benedeni, more common in cattle, can also be found in sheep and goats. Sheep and goats serve as intermediate hosts for several other species of tapeworms.

Tapeworm segments can be seen in the feces of sheep and goats. They have a white, grain-like appearance. Adult worms, often up to a meter or more in length, can be expelled and passed in the environment. Tapeworm eggs can be seen in sheep and goat feces, using the standard worm count procedure. Eggs are triangular in shape.



Definitive diagnosis in the live animal is difficult and sometimes a post-mortem is necessary to confirm an accurate diagnosis. Tapeworm infection is more typically diagnosed when the moving segments are seen crawling around the anus or in a bowel movement. While tapeworm eggs can be seen in fecal flotation under a microscope, fecal analyis does not offer a definitive diagnosis. The symptoms of extreme tapeworm infection are similar to the symptoms of other roundworm infection: diarrhea, emaciation, pot belly, and weight loss. In sufficient numbers, tapeworms can obstruct the bowel and cause death. Sheep seem to develop an immunity to tapeworms relatively early in life (3-4 months of age).


Treatment and control

Four drugs are typically used to treat tapeworm infections in animals: praziquantel, albendazole (Valbazen®), oxyfendazole (Synathic®), and fenbendazole (SafeGuard®, Panacur®). In the United States, praziquantel is marketed for dogs and cats under the tradenames Droncit® and Drontal®. Praziquantel is an ingredient in several horse dewormers: Zimecterin® Gold Paste, Equimax™ Paste, and Quest® Plus Gel. Many anthelmintics marketed in other countries (for sheep and goats ) have a praziquantel component. There are no anthelmintics which contain praziquantel that are currently labeled for sheep and goats in the U.S.

Praziquantel is effective against both the adult and immature stages of tapeworms whereas the benzimidazole anthelmintics only kill the head and segments. Albendazole is considered to be the most effective of the benzimidazole drugs. While it usually less effective than praziquantel, it is usually sufficient for controlling tapeworm infections. Fenbendazole is not labeled for the control of tapeworms (in goats), but will aid in their removal (heads and segments), if the dose is doubled. Oxfendazole is not label for use in either sheep or goats in the U.S.

There are several old remedies with purported activity against adult tapeworms. These include pumpkinseeds, powdered areca (fruits of betel palm, Areca catechu), kousso (flowers of an Abyssinian tree, Hagenia abyssinica), turpentine (oily mixture of exsudates from coniferous trees, especially longleaf pine), pomegranate root bark (tropical Asian and African tree, Punica granatum), and male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas). For a long time, lead arsenate (often mixed with phenothiazine) was used to control tapeworm infections in lambs. It’s safety margin is low; thus, it is no longer used.

Reviews of research show that tapeworms do not cause any ill effects on sheep or lambs despite their rather troublesome appearance. If sheep or lambs are looking poorly and tape segments are in the dung, you should probably look for causes other than tapeworms. The true cause of ill thrift is probably nutritional or other non-visible worms such as Haemonchus contortus (barber pole worm).

Review of the scientific literature

The pathogenicity of tapeworms is continuously debated. Most scientists and small ruminant veterinarians believe tapeworms to be non-pathogenic, while some consider them to be a threat to young animals, especially up to the age of weaning. Some researchers note the difficulty in conducting trials with natural infections, which vary greatly in age and magnitude. Few studies with goats have been conducted and none could be found (by this author) on the Internet. As with other gastro-intestinal parasites, goats may be more susceptible to the effects of tapeworm infection than sheep.

In New Zealand
Tapeworms were revisited in the December 2007 issue of Turning the Worm. The author reviewed tapeworm research previously done in New Zealand. He writes, “Over the years, there have been many investigations in New Zealand, all but one of which have failed to show any relationship between tapeworms and production loss.” Treatments with niclosamide showed no benefits in terms of weight gain, fecal consistency or dagginess between treated and untreated lambs.

In the one study that showed a relationship, 93 naturally-infected lambs were slaughtered 10-12 days after treatment with praziquante or albendazolel. Praziquantel treatements were 99-100% effective at removing Moniezia while albendazole treatments were 19-75% effective at removing Moniezia when compared to untreated controls. In a productivity trial, 300 undrenched Romney lambs were assigned to one of three treatment groups: untreated (control), levamisole, and praziquantel + levamisole. The lambs were grazed together throughout the trial. The levamisole-treated lambs gained significantly more weight than the untreated controls, and the praziquantel + levamisole-treated lambs gained significantly more weight than the levamisole-treated lambs. The level of infestation of the trial lambs with Moniezia was not reported.

The effects of albendazole and praziquantel against tapeworms were compared in two productivity trials and a slaughter trial in the Wairarapa region of New Zealand. The trials involved over 400 lambs on two farms. Fecal egg counts showed that more than 50% of the lambs were shedding tapeworm eggs, indicating a high rate of infection when the study was initiated. The control group of lambs received moxidectin only. A second group received levamisole + praziquantel, as well as moxidectin. The third group received albendazole + levamisole, as well as moxidectin. Moxidectin was given to eliminate possible differences between levamisole and albendazole in nematocidal activity.

At days 11 (farm A) and 7 (farm B), no tapeworm eggs were seen in the samples collected from the praziquantel-treated lambs, but were still present in lambs in the other two groups. At days 63 (farm A) and 59 (farm B), no tapeworm eggs were seen in any of the fecal samples. There was no significant difference in weight gain over the duration of the experiment (approx. 80 days) between the controls and either treatment group.

The slaughter trial included four groups of lambs: untreated controls, albendazole-treated, albendazole + levamisole, and levamisole + praziquantel. Lambs were slaughtered 12 days post-treatment and the small intestines were examined for tapeworms. All lambs in the control group had tapeworms. There was a 50-60% reduction in tapeworm head and segments in lambs treated with albendazole or praziquantel. Praziquantel was not fully effective, suggesting the possiblity of drug resistance.

A German study
In a recent study reported in the Wool & Wattles newsletter of the American Association of Small Ruminant Practioners, German researchers used two flocks of sheep and several breeds of sheep to determine the effect of treatment (with praziquantel) on tapeworms. The results showed no evidence of the pathogenicity of tapeworms in lambs. Nor did they demonstrate a beneficial effect of treatment.

Lambs were randomly assigned to a treatment (n=117) or control (n=117) group. Individual fecal flotations were performed (with zinc chloride and sodium chloride). The treated animals received a commercial 2.5% solution of praziquantel (at 3.75 mg/kg) orally, repeated every six weeks for up to four treatments. All lambs received moxidectin on the same schedule (at the labeled dosage) to remove the possible effects of nematodes on lamb health.

At the beginning of the trial in June-July, 28 to 45 percent of the lambs tested positive for tapeworms eggs. The percentage dropped off markedly in both the treated and untreated (control) lambs, such that only 0 to 7% of treated animals and 0 to 9% of untreated animals had detectable eggs at the last sampling before slaughter (up to 140 days after the beginning of the trial).

There were no significant differences in body weight between the two groups. In fact, the animals that remained infected with tapeworms were often heavier than the average of the uninfected lambs. Five of 45 of the treated lambs that were necropsied (up to 29 days after the final treatment) had juvenile tapeworms in their intestines, while 29 of the 67 control lambs contained juvenile tapeworms.


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