Great Argus (Argusianus argus)

Other Names: Argus Pheasant, Argus

Subspecies: There are living two subspecies, the Malaysian Great Argus (A. a. argus) can be found in Malaysia and Sumatra and the Bornean Great Argus (A. a. grayi) found on Borneo. A. a. bipunctatus is known only from a portion of a primary feather of uncertain origin. Believed to be extinct and was found on Tioman Island off the Malay Peninsula.

Habitat: Forests, from sea-level to 4,000 feet.

Description: One of the most unusual of all bird species, males are unmistakable with massive primary, secondary and tail feathers. The face is blue, the crown is black with a distinctive short crest. The upperparts are brown, finely mottled with buff; iridescent ocelli can be found on the wings and tail. The wings can continue to grow until the bird reaches its sixth year. A. a. grayi is slightly smaller than A. a. argus and can be distingiused by the burnt orange on the breast and neck and with more white spotting. Females are similar, but smaller than males; also lack the ornate tail and wings.

Status in Aviculture: Very rare in private aviculture.

Clutch Size: 3 to 4 eggs

Incubation Period: 25 days