E. Coli scours (watery mouth)

E. coli scours is an opportunistic disease that is usually associated with sloppy environmental conditions and poor sanitation. It generally occurs as a diarrhea problem in two to four-day-old lambs. Affected lambs salivate and have a cold mouth; thus, the common name, “watery mouth.” Dehydration, coma and death usually occur within 12-24 hours following the onset of clinical signs of scours.

Treatment of E. coli scours usually involves rehydrating the lamb with oral, subcutaneous or intraperitoneal fluids and treatment with appropriate antibiotics. Prevention of E. coli scours in lambs should really be the key focus for any flock. Lambing barn sanitation and creating a clean, dry environment for newborn lambs are the key factors related to preventing outbreaks of E. coli scours.


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