Love Bird Feeding

Lovebird ailments, signs of illness to be aware of, include if a bird seems withdrawn, its feathers are ruffled and the plumage is dull, it sits with its eyes closed, watery or dull eyes, runny nose, it sleeps a lot, it looses interest in its environment, and it stays at its feed cup. The droppings may change color and be loose (if healthy they are greyish white and not to thin). A couple other lovebird ailments to watch for are a lot of tail bobbing, dropping off its perch, odd breathing, sneezing, and excessive scratching. Some of the common lovebird ailments, illnesses your lovebirds could contract, are injuries from fighting, Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, Polyoma Virus Infection, yeast infections (Candidiasis), Avian Pox Virus Infection, bacterial infections, internal parasites, mites, ticks, egg binding, intestinal influenza, coccidiosis, respiratory ailments, and diarrhoea. An ailing parrot should be taken to a avian veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.


Should one be concerned about what his/her Lovebird eats?
Nutrition is the most commonly neglected element of owning a pet bird. Too often owners assume they are feeding a proper diet to their Lovebird when in fact they are not. Poor nutrition is a common source of many health problems.

It is important to continually strive to improve your bird’s diet. This will involve reading, carefully interpreting and integrating the information along with a certain degree of ‘common sense’. Above all, discuss nutrition with your veterinarian.

It is not enough to feed a Lovebird just to keep it alive. Proper nutrition will help it thrive and flourish. Your bird’s entire health will depend on how well it is fed.

What does your Lovebird naturally eat?
Lovebirds eat a variety of seeds, fruits, berries and vegetation such as leaf buds. Some species have been known to attack farmers’ crops and are recognized as pests in their natural environment. A well balanced and varied diet must be maintained at all times.

So, what should you feed your Lovebird?

Seeds are available everywhere, remain fresh when stored properly and are very convenient to feed. Although Lovebirds do eat seeds, they would naturally consume a far greater variety of seed types in the wild as different plants come into season than they do in captivity. An all-seed diet tends to be high in fat and provides an imbalanced source of nutrients that will lead to ill health and potentially shorten the life expectancy of your Lovebird.

Commercial seed mixes may contain from 4 – 10 different kinds of seeds and nuts. The problem that exists when offering a large container of seed to a Lovebird, is that the bird proceeds to selectively eat 1 or 2 of its ‘favourite’ types of seed only. Millet and sunflower seeds are often chosen preferentially. This, of course, leads to further malnutrition. If a smaller amount of a good quality seed mix is offered then it is likely the bird will eat a greater variety of seed. Offer less and they will eat better.

How much seed do we offer?
As a guideline, most Lovebirds can be maintained on 1 – 1.5 level ‘measure’ teaspoons of seed per bird, per day in a shallow dish depending on the size of the bird. If there is more than one Lovebird in the cage, separate dishes should be used for each bird to ensure those birds at the bottom of the ‘pecking order’ have a chance to eat. This may not be possible in a flock situation.

Any seeds left over in the dish at the end of the day could suggest that too many seeds were offered originally. Seeds should only be a small part of a balanced diet.

How do one convert its bird to a pelleted diet?
Converting seed-eating birds (‘seed-aholics’) onto a formulated diet is not always easy. Being a new item in the cage, pellets are not identified immediately as food. Slowly wean the bird off seeds over a period of weeks while having pellets constantly available in a separate dish. Some people mix the pellets in a reduced amount of seed which may aid its acceptance in the cage but be aware that the bird will not accidentally eat a pellet.

It may take days, weeks or months to modify a bird’s diet. NEVER withdraw seeds entirely without first being certain the bird is eating the formulated foods plus some fruits and vegetables. Birds are stubborn, but can be trained. Remember, you train the bird, do not let it train you.

This can be a stressful time for you and your Lovebird. Consult your veterinarian if encountering any problems with this adaptation or the health of the bird.

Fruits and Vegetables
As a general rule regarding food offered to a bird, any wholesome, nutritious food that you and your family eat, your bird can eat. Fruits, vegetables and greens should account for approximately 20 – 25% of the diet. Pale vegetables, with a high water composition (i.e. Iceberg or Head lettuce, celery) offer very little nutritional value. Avocado is reported to be potentially toxic.

Fruits and vegetables must be washed thoroughly to remove chemicals and cut into manageable pieces depending on the size of the bird. It is not necessary to take the skin off. They should be offered in a separate dish.

Here is a tip to help get your bird to eat fruits and vegetables. Treat your bird like a small child; offer a large variety of food items daily and never stop trying.

Fresh clean water must be available at all times. Dishes must be cleaned thoroughly every day, especially the tube or gravity water containers.

Will your bird have any different needs throughout its life?
Birds that are extremely young, stressed, injured, laying eggs or raising young may have certain special requirements. Approach Hindustan Animal Feeds for its lifecycle feed range, which will be the best solution for all and one cause.

Do you need to use a vitamin-mineral mixture?
If your bird is on a great diet, does it need extra vitamins, minerals or amino-acids? There is much written about supplementation. The powdered supplements are often regarded as more stable. Mix these products with water or preferably apply directly onto moist food. Placing these powders on seeds or dried foods is of little value since it will ultimately end up on the bottom of the food dish.

One opinion suggests that a bird eating 75 – 80% of its diet in the form of pelleted or formulated food may not need supplements. Specific vitamins or minerals may be more important at various times during a bird’s life (e.g. egg laying – requires calcium supplementation). Your veterinarian can help you assess your bird’s diet and it’s particular needs.

Does my bird need gravel or grit?
In the wild, a bird would naturally consume small stones, gravel or grit whenever it wishes to. This is to aid in the mechanical digestion of seeds and nuts. Controversy exists over its need in captivity especially with formulated diets. Offering a small amount in a separate dish will allow the bird to decide if it needs or wants it.

Never place gravel on the bottom of the cage as the bird is then forced to eat it out of its ‘toilet’, the dirtiest part of the cage. Gravel with charcoal in it is reported to absorb certain vitamins from the digestive tract making them unavailable to the bird. White oyster shell may be part of some gravel mixes. Some sick birds will eat inappropriate amounts of grit. If irregular or excessive consumption is witnessed, consult your veterinarian.