Fischer’s Lovebird

Though not quite as common as the Peach-faced Lovebird or the Masked Lovebird varieties, this handsome lovebird with its pleasant warm coloring and affectionate personality, has become quite popular.

This little bird will delight and amuse you with it’s playful and amusing antics. They are active intelligent little birds and make a wonderful companion and friend. An excellent beginners bird, the Fischer’s Lovebird is hardy, easy to care for, and a willing breeder.

Typical of all the lovebirds, the Fischer’s Lovebird is very social and loves companionship. Their natural behavior is to live closely with a companion so are often kept with another lovebird. Though they make a very fine and affectionate pet when hand-raised, they will need a lot of attention if kept singly. Most are kept in pairs to satisfy their considerable need for constant companionship, mutual preening, and socialization.

Scientific Name: Agapornis personata fischeri There are a wide variety of attractive color mutations of the Fischer’s Lovebird, which include the dilute blue, dilute yellow, pied, black or dark eyed white, albino, lutino, and cinnamon.

Distribution:    The Fischer’s Lovebird is native to eastern Africa north of Tanzania and south and southeast of Lake Victoria. They inhabit isolated shrubs and clumps of trees surrounded by grassy plains. They were originally discovered in the late 1800′s, and were first bred in the United States in 1926.

Description:    The Fischer’s Lovebird is a bit smaller lovebird. They have a general green plumage that is more yellowish underneath. The forehead, cheeks, and throat are an orange-red and the rest of the head is a dull olive green. The neck and upper breast is a golden yellow. The tail has some yellow and black barring and pale blue feathers on the upper part. The eye is brown surrounded by a naked white eye ring. The beak is red and the legs are a pale gray. The young are duller especially on the head and they have black markings on the beak.

The Fischer’s Lovebird belongs to a group of lovebirds called the ‘eye-ring’ species. There are four eye-ring species, with the other three being the Masked Lovebird A. p. personata, Black-cheeked Lovebird A. p. nigrigenis, and the Nyasa Lovebird A. p. lilianae. This group can be identified by the obvious strong ring around their eyes.

These species are closely related and will interbred readily if kept together. It is strongly urged that you keep these species separate to maintain their natural forms, as breeding within each species itself produces the most beautiful color mutations.

Size – Weight:   The Fischer’s Lovebird is a bit smaller than the other lovebird species, only getting up to about 5 3/4″(14.5 cm) in length.

Care and feeding:    A roomy cage is required as lovebirds are very active. If you have a tame pet that is kept in a small cage, it needs to be let out for extended periods to fly about.
In the wild the Fischer’s Lovebird eats seeds as well as agricultural crops, especially maize and millets. As a pet they will enjoy a variety of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and commercial pellets. See About Lovebirds: Housing and About Lovebirds: Care and Feeding for more information.

Social Behaviours:    In the wild they are seen in small flocks, and occasionally larger flocks when feeding in ripening crop fields.

A lovebird is a very social bird with it’s companion, and it is generally thought to be essential for their good health and happiness that they be kept in pairs rather than singly. They can, however, be aggressive towards other birds in an aviary setting.

Activities:    Loves to fly, climb, and play. Provide lots of room and lots of toys.

Breeding/Reproduction:    The Fischer’s Lovebird is excellent for the beginning breeder. These birds will breed as either single pairs or in colonies. In the wild these birds nest in the holes of trees, in crevices of buildings, or take over the nests of swifts. When you provide them with a nest box be sure to also provide lots of willow twigs, strips of bark, or other nesting materials.

The hen will lay four to six eggs which are incubated for about 23 days. The young fledge (leave the nest) in about 3 to 3 /12 weeks but will still be dependent until about 4 weeks of age. When they become independent, remove the young to their own housing.

See About Lovebirds: Breeding/Reproduction for more information on breeding.

Potential Problems:    This bird has a shrill call though more often makes a high pitched twittering sound. Though not as loud as some parrots, it can be rather noisy for parts of the day.